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Posted by on Aug 31, 2020 in Time management | 0 comments

5 tips to better time management

5 tips to better time management

As a small business owner, you’ll appreciate there’s always room for improvement when it comes to time management. So if you’re looking to improve your time management skills you’ll love these 5 tips to better time management!

Stay off social media 

Social media can be one of the biggest time sucks in your working day. If you want to have better time management habits in place, this has got to be the first one you implement. Turn off notifications on your phone and PC, close all social media apps and retrain yourself to only check them at certain times throughout the day. 

Ideally, when you do go back into them, look to set a timer and limit your time on them – not only will this be great for your time, it will also be great for your mental health too!

Take regular breaks

Contrary to old-style methods of thinking, if you want to get the most out of your time, it doesn’t pay to work yourself to death! It’s far more productive to take regular breaks throughout your working day and walk away from your desk. 

Go have a quick walk or have a glass of water or two. If it helps, set a timer for every 40 minutes, to remind you to get up, stretch your legs and give your brain a brief rest for 5 minutes or so.

Automate routine tasks

It may take a little more time to initially automate tasks you regularly complete, but it will save you time in the long run. Automating routine tasks enables you to get those tasks permanently off your to-do list and instead, ensures the task will be completed to the same standard each and every time it is run automatically.

For better time management, look to automate tasks such as file backups, customer support (such as FAQs and reminders), opt-in and follow up email sequences, sales pipelines and appointment reminders.

Keep your workspace organised

Never underestimate how your workspace can affect your productivity and mood. When it comes to time management, it pays to have a tidy workspace as it saves you time and effort. If you’re constantly having to move or find things, you’re going to slow down how long a task takes you to complete. A messy workspace can lead to a lack of focus and a stale feeling atmosphere around your work area – both of which will lead to a decrease in productivity and a waste of your valuable time.

Make sure your workspace is as tidy and clean as it can be. Have an end of day clear desk policy, so you put everything away, and opt for the right storage solutions for your needs.

Make healthy choices if you want better time management

This is another area of time management that often gets overlooked, but it’s critical to your health and your time. You can’t work at your peak if you’re not healthy and well – mentally and physically. Ensure you have enough sleep, eat food that nourishes you and ensure you’re adequately hydrated throughout the day. 

If you don’t fuel yourself, your motivation, energy and health will all suffer, so make the healthy choices you need to stay fit and well.

Looking for more time management tips? Make sure to check out our previous blog on the subject – Time management strategies for the small business owner – and if you’re looking for a little help with your tasks, why not get in touch? It’s easy to lose time spending it on those back-office tasks you can easily outsource to someone else. So if you want better time management in your workspace, let’s have a chat and see if you can outsource some of those tasks on your to-do list to free up your time a little more.

Image courtesy of peshkova/

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